photo editing tips

Lightroom’s presets are a handy way to speed up your workflow. They allow you to use commonly applied settings at the touch of a button. But did you know you can create your own? Mike O'Connor shows you how.

One of the joys of Lightroom is using it enough that you start to understand its many nuanced shortcuts, and this video from Brian Matiash is as good a starting point as any.

Adobe’s new lens blur feature uses AI to replicate a shallow depth of field and bokeh in your images. In this step-by-step guide, we explain how it works and how to use it.

New cameras are great, but they mean we are shooting more images than ever. So how do you pick the best, manage the rest, and get rid of the trash?

We meet Adobe's Julieanne Kost to find out more about her trip downunder.

In the final part of our three part series on editing wildlife images, we look at HSL/Colour, Noise and Sharpness, and the final tweaks you should make to complete your image editing workflow.

In part two of our masterclass in editing wildlife shots, we explore the Develop module in Lightroom, covering everything from White Balance to Presence.

Wanting to take your wildlife shots to ‘wow’ level? In this first part of a three part feature, we lift the lid on a user-friendly Lightroom workflow that breaks down the jargon and shows you how to polish and perfect your nature shots.

It's the face-off you've all been waiting for (well some of you anyway): In the red corner, the reigning champion, TopazLabs Photo AI, and in the blue corner, the challenger, Lightroom's new AI-powered Denoise tool.

In the final part of this three part series, learn how to read the direction from which light originates.

Q&A: Julieanne Kost

Fresh from a month exploring some of our most iconic photography locations, Adobe Evangelist Julieanne Kost sat down for a quick fire Q&A with the AP team.

In part two of Adobe's mini-series on light, we look at different qualities of light, and how you can use them best.

In this tutorial, we use content aware heal to tidy up distractions in an image.

What do Adobe's AI-enhanced editing tools in Lightroom actually do? Let’s take a deep dive into how they can speed up your editing.

Adobe's Lightroom has received a number of new updates, including AI powered Denoise, expanded Adaptive Presets, new masking abilities and more.

In this feature, we'll explore how light defines the very essence of eye-catching black & white photographs. We'll learn the essential building blocks of light, before finally using them to express your vision.