image doctor

ND filters are a rather broad brush. They can make a sky look fantastic, but they can also darken the hero elements of a photo. Here are a couple of solutions to the problem.

Getting down low is one of the simplest ways of getting a different look on the world... just ask any dog!

Great documentary and street photographs are not made with long lenses, but with short lenses and short walks!

Cropping is always best done in camera, but this does mean you need to be aware of all the elements in the scene before you start zooming in. Crop too hard at the capture stage, and you might miss the opportunity to improve the photograph at a later stage.

Image editing is most effective when the viewer cannot say with any certainty that the image has been edited at all.

Are cool photos heart warming? The warmth or coolness of the light in a photograph can have a huge impact on how people feel about a photograph.

Making a good photograph does not end with the push of the shutter button... it is only just the beginning!

When working in challenging conditions, the answer can often be to explore various options!

I think making a good photograph Isn't just about capturing the subject, but telling the story, too.

Call me a square, but getting the geometry right can make all the difference to an image!

More often than not, it is not the big details that professional photographers notice, it's the little ones. These are the details that amateurs tend to notice a lot later, and then cannot forget!

A tabletop photograph should be something that every photographer occasionally has a go at. Just be careful with the matches!

Photography and humour have a lot in common, the content is just as important as the delivery!

Getting rid of people from a photograph can make a landscape look better... but so can adding people!

Here is a question for you, would you pour yourself a beautiful glass of red and then add a litre of water to the glass!? Read on!

One disconcerting element in a photograph is often enough... unless you really want to scare off an audience.