• Wild Weather Over the Harbour
    Wild Weather Over the Harbour

Hi Justin,

I used to work in a small town that had a breakwater that was similar to this one, although it was quite a bit narrower, and the slime that was perpetually on top of it made walking along it rather dangerous at any time.

What I love about this photograph is the sight of everybody running to avoid getting wet. This motion, combined with the action of the waves in the background creates some drama.

However, it is important to remember that the surrounding material can easily dilute an idea. In this photograph you have all this drama happening in the middle of the picture, and yet a lot of the remaining area of the picture is rather static and boring. It’s a like pouring yourself a nice glass of red and and then adding a litre of water to the glass!

The concern for most people taking photographs on a breakwater is the fear of getting their gear wet… if the conditions are right though, there is nothing to stop you taking your time to compose the image properly.

So, my advice here is to go back to the original file and crop the image some more, as in the low-res example below.

If you are in a position to make this image again, try and make the crop in camera, rather than leaving it until you get to the computer. Great work.




Image Doctor's edited version


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