We want to know: How do you know when you are done with an image edit?

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After recently spending a few hours editing a bunch of shots from a weekend photo trip, it got me wondering - how long do people spend editing their photos, and at what point do you feel you're "satisfied" or "done" with editing one of your images?

Earlier this year I wrote about how I've really enjoyed editing a few older images with a few of the new editing tools that have come to the market in the last few years, but on the back of that it's also made me wonder about when you should just step away from an image that you've edited enough.

One of the images I captured this year I'm still not sure is a finished edit. How do you know when an image is done, or you should just call it quits? Image: Mike O'Connor
One of the images I captured this year I'm still not sure is a finished edit. How do you know when an image is done, or you should just call it quits? Image: Mike O'Connor

I've heard some photographers say you should always 'sleep on it' before you call an image done, and others say its very context dependent - some images just need a quick adjustment to variables like the exposure, while others require hours of finessing.

I'd like to hear your thoughts. Let me know in the comments how you judge when an image is ready to go. And thanks to this Reddit thread for the inspiration for this We want to know piece. 

Cover image: Mike O'Connor

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