Video: Filter combinations for different landscape photography scenarios

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If you've used filters on your lens before, but would like to know how to layer filters, then we've found a video that will show you the ropes!

In this short video put together by Nicco Valenzuela you will learn how to use multiple filters in combination with each other to achieve certain effects in certain conditions.

While this tutorial is focused on the context of landscape photography, there are still interesting things to learn about layering filters more generally.

Filters can help you add textural layers and visual effects to your photographs. They can also help balance your image's exposure  and help to make certain features of your image stand out.

If you're someone who has only used filters in post-production on Lightroom and Instagram, but have never used a filter on your lens before, you might want to first check out Nicco's crash course video on using filters for landscape photography here.

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