How to use paper and light to create stunning abstract images

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Boredom often leads to creative discoveries, and with the extra time you now have at home in isolation, you're free to experiment with lots of interesting photography ideas.

Lighting company Adaptalux has created a video tutorial showing how you can produce some incredible images by simply playing around with paper and light.

In the tutorial, Ben from Adaptalux shows you some ways that you can set up your paper and light source to help capture an impressive visual when the light hits the bending paper.

In the video, you can see that Ben positions his light source beneath the glass-topped coffee table, with his folded paper sheets placed on top of the table so the curves are lit up from below. Throughout the shoot, Ben manipulates the paper into different shapes and layers and plays with colour.

However, when trying out this macro photography tutorial, you can certainly make do with less, and you don’t necessarily need professional lighting. You can still create similarly striking abstract photographs with any RGB LED lights, or you could even use a simple light source like a lamp or torch to produce some images in black and white. 

You can see the rest of Ben’s images from his experimentation with paper and light over on the Adaptulux Blog.

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