
The Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) in NSW, together with children and young people, have began the Real NSW photo competition, with the aim of shifting the way those under 25 are portrayed in our newspapers, on our televisions, and on our screens.

This competition is about promoting real representations of children and young people, created by children and young people, so they themselves can take control of their own image.

Their photos would be a glimpse into their world, such as their creative hobbies, engaging with their local community, volunteering, playing sports, exploring their favourite places, or hanging with their friends at school.

There are iPads and gift vouchers to be won and the photos will be publicly displayed. The winners will be selected by a judging panel including Andrew Johnson the Advocate for Children and Young People, members of the NSW Youth Advisory Council and Australian Photography magazine.

We're proud to support the ACYP Real NSW photo competition. Learn more and enter here


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