Facebook may soon follow Instagram in hiding the like count

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Facebook users may soon have their total number of post likes hidden, as it appears the social media platform may be following Instagram in a trial of hiding the like count.

As reported at TechCrunch, Reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong discovered the feature in the Facebook Android app, and just like Instagram’s tested feature, it hides the total number of likes.

Wong posted a few screenshots on her Twitter, revealing what the feature will look like. You can see a screenshot of it below.

Facebook prototypes hiding like counts [via Jane Manchun Wong]
Facebook's test hiding like counts [via Jane Manchun Wong]

TechCrunch contacted Facebook about the change, and the company confirmed that it is “considering testing removal of Like counts.” however the feature is not live yet. According to the website, Facebook declined to share results from the Instagram Like hiding tests, its exact motives, or any schedule for starting testing.

Instagram is currently testing the removal of the like counter in seven countries including Australia and New Zealand. Indications are that it will become a permanent feature of image-sharing app. 

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