• moneyshot1a

Hi Steve,

Photographing the Sydney Harbour Bridge is not easy, particularly if you are looking for a new angle.

I do not mind this particular angle but I do have a few suggestions for you. To begin with, I would have tried to make this photograph at a slightly lower angle so that there is slightly less dark space between the tops of the umbrellas and the bridge. I would also be inclined to crop off the bottom part of the photograph so you do not see the bottoms of the umbrellas. By doing this the umbrellas become more abstract which makes for a more interesting photograph.

You also need to take control of the highlights within this photograph. The tower on the left of the photograph has a lot more light on it than the rest of the photo and so it is rather difficult to catch its tonality in the same exposure. With that in mind I would have been inclined to make a second photograph with the exposure being about two stops darker than this photo. I would then open both photographs in Photoshop and then copy one photograph on top of the other. Then, using a layer mask I would selectively reveal different parts of the two photographs to get the overall exposures balanced.

I would use this technique to darken the tower on the left, bring some detail into Luna Park and pull back the brightness on that closest umbrella. Do all of this and the photograph should start to look more interesting.

Cheers, Anthony

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