• Sulking girl
    Sulking girl

Hi Kris,

As I look at this image I am reminded of the New Zealand cartoon series, Footrot Flats… and the Dog’s girlfriend, Jess, who seemed to always be in the “bitches box”. Many a plot revolved around the dog trying to get into her kennel, or Jess trying to get out. Ah, such is love!

Anyway, it is for that reason that I can easily enjoy this image (and the fact that I love dogs anyway!).

Now, as I look at this image there is only one thing that is distracting for me, and it is that piece of timber in the lower left of the frame. It is bright, it is out of focus and as such it is dragging our eye away from the main subject for absolutely no reason at all.

The simplest way of dealing with this is to crop off the lower edge of the frame. It is a simple trick and yet it will make all the difference to this photo.

While at it, I would be inclined to crop some of the right off the frame too.

Now, the photo is a reasonable portrait of Missy, but my question would be, is there another element that you can add to this photo. My thoughts are, yes. What happens when other dogs come into the area? My guess is that they run up to her and want to get her attention. If this actually happens, then I would be inclined to make a similar photo but with that added element of another dog’s nose coming into the frame. The classic Rapunzel scenario!

Good effort!

Cheers for now, Anthony

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