• "RUN"

Hi Warren,

I really like the composition of this image.Tthe fact that you have got down low and framed this surfer against and angry sea has really worked well. What also makes the image is the timing of the photo, with that surf breaking.

Now, as I have often mentioned to others, one of the secrets to creating a good photograph is to take control of the tones within the scene.

In the old days of darkroom printing a photographer or dedicated print maker could manage the tones of a photo by adjusting the exposure and contrast of the print. When printing from a negative they could also lighten parts of a print by holding light during the exposure (a technique called dodging) or adding more light to darken sections of the print, a technique called burning. News photographers were very adept at these skills and would legitimately use all these techniques to add drama to a photograph.

In this photo I think you really need to add some contrast to the scene, along with some dodging and burning.

In the example below I have used Nik Softwares HDR Efex Pro (option 04: Realistic Gradient) to add contrast and then I have used both the Burn tool and the Dodge tool to lighten and darken different parts of the picture as required.

About the only problem with using  Nik Software HDR Efex Pro in this situation is that you can get an increase in colour saturation. Two ways of dealing with this are to use Control Points in HDR Efex to desaturate parts of the picture, or alternatively you can use the Sponge Tool (look for it with the Dodge and Burn Tool) to desaturate parts of the image.

Good effort!




Image Doctor's edited version

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