• The Importance of Nothing
    The Importance of Nothing

Hi Rainer,

I believe there are three essential elements that go into making any good photograph; they are lighting, design and emotion.

The lighting in this photograph is governed by the conditions and time of day when made this photograph. As for the emotion, that too has a lot to do with conditions and the time of day. If you feel that this is the time of day that you want to capture then that is entirely your prerogative… not everything needs to be photographed against a rosy sunset.

The one thing that I think you can improve on with this photograph is the design. One very useful design tool that you can use when making a photograph is that of converging lines. Now, you have lines converging in this image but you have cropped them on the left of the picture.

If you get the chance I would be making another image where both the handrail and the foot guard along the bottom of the jetty both begin in the top left and bottom left corners of the picture and then converge into the right of the frame. Do this and the photograph should look stronger.



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