• fog on the lake
    fog on the lake

Hi David,

There's an old joke... How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? Five hundred. One to change the bulb and 499 to say they could have done it better.

There's some truth in that when it comes to photo editing. If you gave this image to a dozen skilled Photoshop workers you would probably end up with a dozen different variations on this final image. This photograph is a great initial capture and there are many ways it could be worked in Photoshop. Some options would be better than others.

Perhaps the one immediate thing I would change with this image is the vignette. It is just too abrupt in the corners. This image just needs the slightest hint of a soft, broad vignette.

Now there is another little secret hiding in this picture and you have lost it by making the image too muted. If you look above the bird in the lower left of the picture you get the feeling that there is a pool of sunlight trying to break through there. Given the chance I would go back to the RAW file and try and tease out some detail, contrast and brightness into that area. Tiny pockets of sunlight in a fog are magical, so make the most of it.




Image Doctor's edited version

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