• Nugget View, Kaka Point
    Nugget View, Kaka Point

Hi Layla,

Yes, you are right; New Zealand is a beautiful place but being a Kiwi, I would say that anyway.

Even though it is hard not to make a great landscape photograph in New Zealand, there are still things we can do to improve most photographs.

In this instance I notice that this sky is clear and rather bland looking; in the grand scheme of things it contributes nothing to the photograph. The question is, do you really need all that sky?

Most people assume we need to have a sky in a landscape photograph but that is just conventional thinking. Delete the sky and all of a sudden the viewer is left wondering how far that horizon can stretch for; are there other islands out there and what might that sky look like if we could see it?

As they often say, less is more and I think by removing the sky you can make this photograph stronger.

There is only one other adjustment that I would make to this photograph now; go to the curved panel and just pull the middle inwards ever so slightly. This will darken up the tones in the image and  add more overall depth to the photograph.

I hope you get to visit New Zealand again soon.



Image Doctor's edited version

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