Photo tip of the Week: How to remove anything from a photo in Photoshop

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One of the techniques you may find yourself needing to do in Photoshop is removing unnecessary objects from an image. And although Photoshop's automated tools for doing this have improved to the point where for most tasks they are able to do a great job, there are instances where you'll still need to do it manually.

In this excellent video by Jesús Ramirez of the Photoshop Training Channel, he will show you three methods for removing objects in Photoshop: Content-Aware Fill, the Patch Tool and Clone Stamp, and a hands-on manual technique you can use if you're dealing with a more complex object removal.

The time to use the automated methods is when you have clean backgrounds, as content-aware fill works by analysing the pixel data around the object you are removing. If your subject is in front of a complex background, a slower, manual approach, will give you much better results.

Remember though, with great power comes great responsibility - don't let having the ability to remove objects later make you lazy. Getting it right in camera is always best.  

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