Video: Should landscape photographers explore more?

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Here's an interesting video by the ever-reliable Thomas Heaton, where he takes a look at the trend of landscape photographers seeking out 'hero' shots of the same subjects, even at the cost of missing better images elsewhere.

Recently Heaton was leading a series of photowalks at the Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, and was scheduled to lead one such walk to the iconic and world-famous Mesa Arch.

You may have seen the images of photographers lined-up for sunrise at the Arch—it's famous for a reason. Interestingly, Heaton discusses how small the location is in real life - the arch is really only large enough for about five photographers to line up in front to get a 'clean' shot.

Unfortunately, on the day of his visit the light wasn't ideal for the classic shot of rays of light flaring as they hit the rocks, but this didn't stop many photographers arriving and doggedly pursuing capturing the image anyway. 

Heaton isn't suggesting not to pursue iconic shots if you can get them, but his point is to remember not to forget to read lighting conditions and explore an area as well. After all, wouldn't it be better to have a unique shot that's well captured rather than a classic shot that looks a bit dull?

You can see more of Thomas Heaton's excellent videos on YouTube. 

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