• ©Tony Derix
    ©Tony Derix

Would you like to see your weather image, in high-quality glossy full colour, hanging on more than 60,000 walls across Australia and more than 80 countries worldwide?

The Bureau of Meteorology’s photography competition is now accepting entries for the 2017 edition of the Australian Weather Calendar.

Organisers are looking for images which capture weather events in a unique, spectacular or visually appealing way. Winning images in the 2016 calendar include: an ethereal fogbow on Great Lake, Tasmania; a furiously rotating dust devil near Mount Bryan, South Australia; menacing mammatus clouds over Mascot, New South Wales; a rare, iridescent ‘fallstreak hole’ cloud in Korumburra, Victoria; a dazzling full-circle rainbow over Cottesloe Beach, Western Australia; lightning striking the Arafura Sea from Nightcliff, Northern Territory; and a distinctive morning-glory roll cloud passing over Sweers Island, Queensland.

Entrants can submit as many photos as they wish and there’s no restriction on the date they were taken. The winners will receive three complimentary calendars and retain all rights associated with their photograph.

The competition closes at 5.00 pm on 31 March, and the winners will be notified within three months. Send your entry form and photos to: Australian Weather Calendar Competition, Bureau of Meteorology, GPO Box 1289, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001. Entrants are asked to ensure all prints are accompanied by a completed entry form.

You can read the competition guidelines online and, if further information is required, contact the Calendar Competition Officer on (03) 9669 4564 or calendarvic@bom.gov.au.

©Colin Leonhardt

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